Saturday, March 8, 2025

Revolutionary times

The first revolutionary group tends to fail and more realistic people take over.

If Trump wanted to be more successful he would phase things out, instead of creating all these obviously wrong crisis. He likes the lurid attention of being powerful enough to do obviously wrong things. He's impatient, prefers being a jerk to actually enacting policy because the policy is just to create groveling supplicants. He's clearly flagging, he looks exhausted, he knows his time is running out. 

If he had a shred of virtue, and wasn't an abysmal nihilistic monster, he could also pull off what he seems to want to do, but that's not his way of being. Just do what you want to do, with a gangster whiff and a grifter touch. Grab the federal government by the pussy. Break all the norms and rules, the gish gallop of crimes there's no time to enforce. Escalating, relentless, he's intimidated most to not hold him accountable. He's surrounded by ennablers with their own twisted motives, he's a magnet for antisocial types. 

People like burning it down theoretically, they're all for toddler destruction too. To me it seems like he doesn't want to succeed, he wants to be stopped. He has no core about right and wrong, he wants the world to stop him, he wants his daddy's attention, which he can't get because he's dead, so he just spreads the shit, make someone else clean it up. 

He's so twisted from a life not being held accountable, he just wants to touch a core of something that is real, he can't find anything real. He doesn't like his children, he isn't loved by his wife, genital pleasure can't be more than just temporary, as much as it's been his life focus. He's getting old and limp, he's trying not to be, he's trying to show he's virile. He's trying to show America he can get it up and up and up, he's insatiable for offending everyone, and yet some still pretend to love him, the Laura Loomer types. He's hustling, he's selling, he's making his moves. 

Imagine winning a Fulbright, and then Trump cutting off funds while you're over there. That's like one of a thousand douchey things he's done. They're rich because they imagine to steal and steal and steal, and say no no no. It's quite a crude existence. It's American Psycho

There's a lot of people who think Trump is more honest than Biden. They're wrong but they exist. They think it's worth it to "cut out government waste", meaning programs that keep people alive, and thriving, they want death and suffering like they feel inside. 

The people who cry to the camera, you've murdered him, you've murdered her, are seen as dramatic and lying, everyone lies, death is inevitable, turn their head, explain it away. 

He's trying to make people more desperate to work. To supplicate ourselves, we think we have to many rights. He wants America to get thirsty, and they're just getting less materialistic and angry, preparing the guillotines and for the upcoming revolution. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025


One of the problems in America is that educational districts are political entities within themselves, and create savage inequalities. The federal education department has grants and such to try and equalize things. If your goal is to increase the class differences, you get rid of the federal government department of education. If you're against the education that usually slants people leftward, you get rid of the department of education. 

Of all the dastardly things Trump is doing, this might be in the top ten, but there's lots of competition. Tanking the economy with trade wars, and mass governmental layoffs, to reduce taxes to the rich is pretty terrible. Another act that is designed to increase income disparity.

It's murderous to cut all these program to the poor and tank the economy. 

Education is the hope that we have that people would avoid choosing such a person for president. He sees synergy and wants to destroy it. Disrupting, chaos, it might not all be bad, but it feels bad to me. The department that is doing many of these cuts is so inefficient, corrupt and inept that they regularly make outlandish lies. 

The cultured ideals of liberalism are being demolished. The idea that we can help each other is being demolished. It's quite upsetting. 

Lying is the only way any of this gets done. 

A doorman who lives in my coop says he doesn't see any difference between Trump and Biden. He's the second guy to say that to me. I want to yell at him, he is the problem. But it's larger than that. 

I see a huge difference. 

There was a woman in the park who told me to ignore the seig heil. She feels the country is going in the right direction. She's a homeschooling catholic from Poland.