Sunday, January 19, 2025


They were talking about MLK Day in 1968 after he was assassinated, but they didn't get it done until 1986, almost 20 years later. That kind of shows you how slow society changes and getting things done.

I still have a dream

We live in a country that seems to be fractured into radical conservative visions and the liberal order that was established. The yin and yang of America is to think about others and make a world of equality with justice, and just dropping all that and, whatever, just dropping that. 

I think I took women's rights to abortion for granted, I thought Roe v Wade enshrined that, but they found a way around it, put it back on the states, and conservative states outlawed abortion. Poor women who wants abortions because they can't really afford a child, don't have the money to travel out of state, so that's a barrier, but that's enough they're talking about setting up checkpoints to make sure pregnant woman are not going to leave the state to get an abortion. It has led to terrible cases where women carried babies to term that they knew were going to die, and a few women have died from this excess of zeal not to have abortions.

Look at the photo of Gerry Santoro who dies from a botched illegal abortion in 1964.

Crime going down was one of the consequences of abortion being legal. Now that's not an argument for it, but you could look at this issue from all the angles and think about. People die in many ways, and if you're really pro-life, and not just pro-birth for poor women, then you'll see it's complicated. 

That's just one right that has eroded over the years, and perhaps it's because a significant segment of the population feels strongly about this issue. My ex-friend who voted for Trump said he just didn't want to pay for it, like you could pick and choose the things you pay for in society.

I had a logic professor that withheld the percentage of his taxes that went to the defense budget because he was pacifist and he didn't want to support war. 

The USA budget expands and contracts with left and right, but the right drives up the debt and the left pays it off, so in the end the right ends up spending money. They don't mind spending money on defense, which is rife with corruption and problems. It's a messy system.

I digress. I was trying to say in America we don't really have that feeling I used to feel when MLK day came around, that I was proud of our nation, this year it feels like we live in a deeply divided nation. The people who profit from dividing our nation have succeeded: Foreign countries, etc. 

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